Non Domiciled Individuals (Non-Dom's)

At Hudson Maybach LLP, we have the expertise and knowledge to utilise these reliefs to their fullest and can help ensure that our Non Domiciled client's tax footprint within the UK is kept to an absolute minimum.

The Non-Domiciled tax regulations in the UK are very popular among our wealthy EU citizens and global partners. This is mainly because non-UK individuals residing in the UK can avoid paying taxes on their overseas income, as long as that income is not "remitted" to the UK.

Fundamental to this, is the finer differentiation in the UK tax laws between 'residents' and 'domiciles'. If you are not of British descent, you can indeed be a 'resident' in the UK, but without being classified as 'domicile'.

The services we offer are:

- UK Tax Planning

- Self Assessment

- Property Structures

- Personal tax advice and planning

- Personal tax returns and basic compliance

- Inheritance tax advice

- Capital Gains Tax

- Trusts and estates

- Tax havens

- UK & International tax advice

This list of services is not exhaustive. We are pleased to offer advice and assistance on any matters.

Please contact our Tax Director Terry Hodge on +44 7814 520 777 to discuss your requirements and the services we can offer, in more detail.


Our Main Services Overview


We offer a wide range of specialised accountancy advice and solutions to suit every clients individual needs ranging from Companies to Trusts & Estates.

Trusts & Estates

We have in depth experience in dealing with all Trust and Estate matters. We recognise that often Trusts or Estates can be delicate and require tactful handing.

Personal Taxation

We analyse your personal tax affairs to take careful account of all your circumstances and recommend ways to reduce your liability to various taxes.


We offer an extensive range of services for your charitable organisation's needs. We have a detailed knowledge of all Charity tax exemptions and reliefs.

Corporate Taxation

We believe that effective planning for corporate tax can help result in potentially significant improvements to your bottom line figures.

International Tax

We are able to provide comprehensive international tax advice, consultancy and planning for personal, expatriate, offshore and corporate clients.